Lucha Olivares Fine Paintings

Paintings in Your Cart

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Ref Title Price Quantity Subtotal
45Floraci�n600.00 600.00

TOTAL: US$ 600.00

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About the Shopping Cart and the Pre-Order System

Items in your Shopping Cart always reflect the most recent price displayed on their product pages.
The price are in US dollars.
The price does not include shipping.
Please note that this painting is unique and only a representation of my work. Once you order I will contact you as soon as possible to coordinate the delivery.

Using the Shopping Cart
Click the Buy button on any item's product detail page. If you wish to add more than one item to your order, click the Keep Purchasing button to return to our products page.

When you've finished adding items to your Shopping Cart, you will be able to see the products in your cart, proceed to the checkout by submitting the pre-order and you're done!

If you want to buy multiple quantities of an item in your Shopping Cart change the number in the Quantity box and click the Update Quantity at the bottom of the cart - just below the subtotal column.

If you want to remove an item from your Shopping Cart just put a zero in the Quantity box. Want to remove them all? Click the Erase All button that appears to the bottom in your cart.